Speech therapy Dubai

Neurological Physiotherapy Treatment in Dubai

Neurological Physiotherapy at Bridges Speech Center

At Bridges Speech Center, we specialize in neurological physiotherapy, a branch of physiotherapy that focuses on helping individuals with disorders of the nervous system that affect movement, coordination, muscle strength, and functional independence. These disorders, which can be debilitating, often present challenges in day-to-day activities. With our evidence-based treatments and expert care, we strive to support patients in managing symptoms, regaining independence, and enhancing their overall quality of life.

Our team of experienced and certified neurological physiotherapists takes a holistic approach, designing personalized rehabilitation programs tailored to each patient’s unique needs and goals. We treat patients of all ages, from young adults to seniors, who are coping with conditions like strokes, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, spinal cord injuries, and other neurological disorders. Our objective is to restore function and mobility, reduce pain, and improve overall well-being.

Stroke Rehabilitation

Stroke is one of the most common and serious neurological conditions, often leaving individuals with long-lasting physical and cognitive impairments. At Bridges Speech Center, our Stroke Rehabilitation program is focused on helping stroke survivors regain their functional abilities and return to their daily activities as independently as possible.

Our specialized rehabilitation program incorporates a variety of treatment methods, including motor relearning, strengthening exercises, balance training, and functional electrical stimulation (FES), aimed at promoting neuroplasticity—the brain’s ability to reorganize itself to compensate for lost functions. By working closely with patients and their families, we create individualized treatment plans that target the specific areas impacted by the stroke, such as muscle weakness, impaired coordination, or speech difficulties.

Through a combination of physical exercises, manual therapy, and task-specific training, our goal is to enable patients to recover movement, improve balance, and regain independence in activities such as walking, dressing, and speaking. We also provide cognitive therapy for those facing memory and concentration challenges after a stroke, supporting a full recovery.

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Treatment

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a progressive disease that affects the central nervous system, leading to a range of symptoms such as muscle weakness, spasticity, fatigue, vision problems, and balance difficulties. The unpredictable nature of MS means that patients often experience fluctuating symptoms, making management essential for maintaining quality of life.

At Bridges Speech Center, our Multiple Sclerosis Treatment program is designed to help individuals manage these symptoms through tailored therapy. Our team of neurological physiotherapists provides strengthening exercises, gait training, and balance exercises to reduce the risk of falls and improve overall physical function. We also focus on fatigue management through energy conservation techniques, helping patients manage their energy levels throughout the day.

Our physiotherapy sessions may also incorporate aquatic therapy, which is beneficial for patients with MS due to the buoyancy of water, allowing for movement with reduced strain on muscles and joints. This gentle exercise can improve mobility, reduce stiffness, and enhance circulation. Our therapists also provide education and support to help patients adapt to changing symptoms and maintain as much independence as possible.

Parkinson’s Disease Management

Parkinson’s disease is a progressive neurological disorder characterized by symptoms such as tremors, muscle stiffness, slowness of movement, and postural instability. These symptoms can greatly affect an individual’s ability to move freely and perform daily tasks, often leading to a significant reduction in quality of life.

At Bridges Speech Center, our Parkinson’s Disease Management program focuses on improving movement, coordination, and balance to help patients retain their independence. We use specialized techniques such as gait retraining, postural exercises, and balance training to address movement issues. Our approach is designed to help reduce tremors, improve flexibility, and prevent falls, which are common in individuals with Parkinson’s.

Additionally, we incorporate cueing strategies to assist patients in initiating movement and preventing freezing episodes—common symptoms where patients temporarily feel unable to move. These techniques involve the use of visual, auditory, or tactile cues to encourage smooth, continuous movement. We also focus on breathing exercises to help manage respiratory difficulties that can arise in the later stages of Parkinson’s disease.

Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation

A spinal cord injury (SCI) can result in partial or complete paralysis, profoundly affecting a person’s mobility, sensation, and independence. Our Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation program at Bridges Speech Center provides comprehensive, individualized care aimed at maximizing the physical and functional recovery of each patient.

Our rehabilitation program includes strengthening exercises, mobility training, and functional electrical stimulation (FES) to restore as much motor function as possible. For those with incomplete spinal cord injuries, we work on improving coordination and balance, helping patients relearn essential movements. For individuals with more severe injuries, we focus on assistive technology training, wheelchair mobility, and adaptive techniques to enable independence in daily tasks such as dressing, transferring from bed to wheelchair, and using mobility aids.

We also address secondary complications of spinal cord injuries, such as muscle spasticity, pressure ulcers, and respiratory issues, providing comprehensive care that enhances quality of life. Our approach is both goal-oriented and patient-centered, helping individuals achieve greater independence and confidence in their abilities.

Neuropathy Treatment

Neuropathy, or nerve damage, often leads to pain, numbness, weakness, and tingling in the extremities. This condition can arise from a variety of causes, including diabetes, injuries, or infections, and it can greatly impact an individual’s ability to move and perform daily activities.

At Bridges Speech Center, our Neuropathy Treatment program is designed to help individuals manage symptoms and regain function. We use a combination of therapies, including manual therapy, strengthening exercises, and sensory retraining to address both motor and sensory issues caused by neuropathy. Electrical stimulation therapy and desensitization techniques are also employed to promote nerve regeneration and reduce pain, helping patients restore sensation and movement in affected areas.

Our goal is to help individuals reduce the discomfort associated with neuropathy and improve their ability to carry out everyday activities, such as walking, dressing, and grasping objects.

Why Choose Bridges Speech Center for Neurological Physiotherapy?

At Bridges Speech Center, we are committed to delivering the highest quality neurological physiotherapy services tailored to the unique needs of our patients. Our comprehensive approach integrates the latest research and advanced technologies with personalized care, ensuring each patient receives a treatment plan that best suits their individual condition and goals.

Our dedicated team of physiotherapists collaborates with other healthcare professionals, including neurologists, speech therapists, and occupational therapists, to provide a multidisciplinary approach that addresses every aspect of the patient’s health. We not only focus on physical recovery but also support our patients emotionally, providing the care and encouragement needed to overcome challenges and achieve greater independence.

By choosing Bridges Speech Center, you are choosing a team of experts who are passionate about helping individuals regain control over their lives and improve their overall quality of life. We are with you every step of the way, guiding you through your recovery and celebrating your progress.

Contact Us

If you or a loved one is living with a neurological condition and would like to learn more about our Neurological Physiotherapy services, please contact Bridges Speech Center today. Our team is ready to provide compassionate, expert care that can make a meaningful difference in your health and well-being.

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What Parents Say

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Deepshikha Gupta
Deepshikha Gupta

My experience with bridges speech centre has been great. My child is attending OT in the center and we are happy and proud with the progress Mrs. Richa has made. The therapists are very supportive and knowledgable in selecting techniques to suit with our child's requirements . Their monthly review and evaluation is remarkable. I highly recommend bridges speech centre to anyone looking for an affordable and professional therapy for their child....

Akangsha Chadha
Akangsha Chadha

We were asked to consult a speech therapist for my son. As parents we were quite skeptical about this whole process. However, once my son started attending Dr Rupali’s sessions we noticed a drastic improvement in his speech. He used to speak only a few words but within the 1st four sessions he started speaking up-to 5 words sentences. I also learnt to manage my child’s emotions better with Dr Rupali’s guidance. She is very cooperative and patiently answer all questions.

Neethu Gagarin
Neethu Gagarin

We took our 21 month old daughter to Bridges speech center following her cleft palate surgery as she needed Speech therapy. Ms.Rupali was recommended to us by both our Pediatrician and ENT specialist. The staff at Bridges are qualified, warm and friendly. My daughter loved to attend the speech therapy sessions. Through various techniques and simulations provided during these sessions, I can see considerable improvement in my daughter's speech. Lastly I would say, no child is same, as parents we need to be patient and trust the process.

preethy prathesh
preethy prathesh

Rupali was excellent. In just couple of sessions she helped my child overcome difficulty in pronouncing ch and sh sound. Thanks very much.Highly recommend for children who will need assistance in speech therapy.

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